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Dental Bonding
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Dental Bonding Near You

Dental bonding is a measure of restorative dentistry that may not be overly familiar to most people but it’s a good treatment to keep in mind, nonetheless. This process can remedy a number of minor dental issues.

So, what is dental bonding? Also known as teeth bonding, dental bonding involves using a special substance to reshape and sculpt your tooth. This process is minimally invasive and only requires a single visit. It also helps improves the aesthetic appearance of your smile, therefore boosting your self-confidence too!

If you’re looking for more information about receiving dental bonding near you, contact our local dental clinic today! Our staff will walk you through the treatment from start to finish and answer all your questions.

Reasons to Consider Receiving Dental Bonding in Ottawa

Dental bonding is an affordable treatment that you may want to consider if you’re looking to correct a series of minor dental issues. This type of treatment can repair:

1. Cracked teeth.

2. Chipped teeth.

3. Teeth that are discolored.

4. Gaps between your teeth.

5. It can be used to reshape your teeth, therefore improving their appearance.

Dr. Peter Servinis
Dr. Peter Servinis

The Dental Bonding Process

Prior to receiving any treatment here in Ottawa, it’s always best to consult with your dentist first so you know what to expect. They’ll evaluate your teeth and possibly take some dental x-rays to develop a comprehensive picture of your oral health. Once your dentist has concluded that dental bonding is the best solution for your specific case, they’ll move ahead with treatment.

First, your dentist will clean your mouth. It’s important to remove any lingering plaque or bacteria and address any signs of decay before continuing. Next, they’ll roughen up the surface of your teeth so that the dental bonding substance can bind properly.

Third, your dentist will select the resin that’s closest to the shade of your natural teeth so that it blends in with your smile. Only you and your dentist will know you’ve received such treatment. After the resin is bonded to your tooth, it will be molded and shaped to give you a brand-new look.

Finally, a special UV light is employed to harden the resin in place. Your dentist will make the final touches before you leave.

And voila! A beautiful smile made just for you!

Your appointment should be no longer than an hour, and then you’re free to go about your day!

So long as you practice good oral hygiene, such as daily brushing and flossing and avoiding chewing on hard candies, pencils, and biting your fingernails, your treatment should last quite a while.

Are you interested in receiving convenient dental bonding near you? Our Ottawa dental clinic has got you covered! Call or visit our website to schedule an appointment today! We look forward to working with you!