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Tooth Extractions
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Tooth Extractions in Ottawa

Despite what you may think, receiving a tooth extraction is a common dental procedure. Tooth extractions can be simple or complex; it all depends on your specific case and the degree of treatment that is needed to remedy the issue.

For more information about receiving a tooth extraction near you, contact our local dental clinic today. Our staff is here to answer all of your questions and concerns. We’ll walk you through the process from start to finish so you’ll know what to expect.

Simple and Complex Tooth Extractions

A simple tooth extraction is just as the name suggests: a straightforward treatment that’s minimally invasive. This particular type of treatment does not require major surgery to remedy your oral health.

There are many reasons why you may need to receive a simple tooth extraction near you, including the following:

1. You’re dealing with advanced periodontal (gum) disease.

2. Your baby teeth need to be removed to make room for incoming adult teeth.

3. To prepare your mouth for future orthodontic treatment.

4. Your tooth is damaged.

5. Your tooth is severely infected.

6. Root canal therapy cannot properly save your tooth.

Dr. Peter Servinis
Dr. Peter Servinis
In comparison, complex tooth extractions are more extensive as they involve oral surgery. Wisdom teeth removal is the most common example of a complex tooth extraction. Typically, your wisdom teeth, sometimes referred to as your third molars, emerge between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five.

Similar to simple extractions, there are also several reasons why you may need to have your wisdom teeth removed:

1. You have an oral infection.

2. You have a cyst. A cyst is a soft sac that can fill with air, fluid, or tissues cells. They can form anywhere in the body.

3. You have a tumor.

4. The tooth in question is damaging your neighboring teeth.

5. Overcrowding.

However, not everyone needs their wisdom teeth to be removed. If you’re unsure whether you require a simple or complex tooth extraction, get in touch with our Ottawa dental clinic. Our dentists will be able to identify whether you’re a suitable candidate for this treatment or if a different course of action is more appropriate.

The Process of Receiving a Tooth Extraction Near You

When you come in to receive either a simple or surgical tooth extraction, your dentist will first examine your mouth to better understand your overall oral health situation. They may also take a series of dental x-rays.

Next, they’ll administer local anesthesia so you remain relaxed throughout the appointment. Your dentist will make a small incision into your gum to access your tooth. It’ll be extracted using a special pair of forceps. Once the tooth has been removed, the site will be cleaned and sealed to prevent further infection.

Your dentist may prescribe Advil or Tylenol to help you manage the pain in the hours following your treatment. You may also experience some minor bleeding or swelling, which is normal. Are you looking to receive a tooth extraction here in Ottawa? Call or come into our local dental clinic to schedule a consultation. We look forward to working with you!