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Emergency Dentistry
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Emergency Dentistry Near You

No one knows when a dental emergency will occur, so when it does, it’s good to know where and who you can turn to. Our Ottawa dental clinic is here to help you when these types of situations arise. We understand that such circumstances are stressful and worrisome, so we’ll do everything we can to keep you comfortable. Don’t hesitate to come and see us!

What is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is an event that requires immediate care. Dental emergencies come in many forms; that said, the most common ones include:

1. A severe toothache.

This can arise from tooth decay or an oral infection.

2. A cracked or chipped tooth.

Sometimes when we eat, we can accidentally bite down into crunch or hard foods and hurt our teeth. Chipped or cracked teeth can also arise from nighttime grinding and clenching. In either case, this type of damaged can lead to plaque and tartar buildup or cavities if left untreated.

Dr. Peter Servinis
Dr. Peter Servinis

3. A knocked-out tooth.

Although losing a tooth is not ideal, there is a chance to reinsert it if you seek dental care as quickly as you can. Be sure not to touch the root of the tooth and keep it in a glass of milk until you see a dentist.

4. A lost dental filling or crown.

If you lose a dental filling or crown, or even it shifts out of place, this can cause problems with your oral health. Not only will your tooth be more exposed but this impact your ability to chew too.

5. Your orthodontics is broken.

Broken orthodontic devices can scratch, poke, and irritate your gums and cheeks. Such an occurrence impedes the straightening of your teeth and can cause you much discomfort if it isn’t repaired soon.

6. You have an abscess.

An abscess is another name for a sack of pus. These typically arise from an infection and can form anywhere in the body. Abscesses that form inside your mouth are known as internal abscesses.

7. Severe bleeding or pain.

Very minor bleeding like when you bite your tongue or even floss is normal, as is bleeding that occurs after receiving a variety of dental procedures. But if the bleeding is steady and doesn’t stop, bite down on a square of gauze and visit your dentist as soon as you can.

8. Lacerations to your tongue, lips, or cheeks.

Dental emergencies aren’t exclusive to your teeth and gums. Injuries that happen to your face can harm your oral health as well if they aren’t treated.

If you’re dealing with any of these issues, or even if you’re unsure whether you should seek out emergency dentistry near you, it’s always best to err on the side of caution. Our Ottawa dental clinic is here to help. We’ll do our best to keep you comfortable and calm and get your oral health back to normal.

Receiving Emergency Dentistry in Ottawa

When you come into our dental clinic to receive emergency surgery, our dentist will examine your mouth and possibly take a series of x-rays to understand your situation better. Be sure to tell your dentist all the details of what happened so they can provide the most accurate treatment.

Don’t hesitate to let your dentist know if you have any questions if you require additional care. Some forms of emergency dentistry include tooth extractions, root canal therapy, or receiving a new dental filling.

Our dental clinic near you is here to assist you with all your needs. No one deserves to live with oral pain. Come in and speak with one of our dentists today! We’ll make sure you get the most effective treatment for your specific case.